Concrete Driveways

Most people take pride in the way their home looks. Yet for some reason, they never consider the driveway. This is unfortunate since it’s probably the first thing people notice when they come to your home. Not to mention, the way the curb and driveway look can have a massive impact on property value. While a rural home might be able to do with a gravel or dirt driveway, houses in the cities or suburbs are going to need a concrete driveway. Not only will it look nice and be easier to drive on, it adds to the value of your property.

Concrete Driveway PittsburghNot only does a concrete driveway do all those things, it does another thing as well. It lasts. Concrete driveways are difficult to damage and will last for years against the weather and the elements. It may cost a bit more, but over time you’ll save quite a bit of money. It’s less maintenance, which means you don’t spend as much repairing the thing! The only things that handle the elements as well as concrete are steel and natural rock. That’s not a very long list. Concrete can take a licking and keep on ticking!

Studies done on concrete driveways have found that they can often last 20 years or more, and even after all that time they only need minor amounts of repair. A concrete sealer is all it takes to ensure you won’t have to worry about stains. Removing debris, such as stray dirt or leaves, is as simple as sweeping. You will need to get on your hands and knees and do some washing using grease removal chemicals. Even then, it rarely takes much work. It’s convenient, and over time it saves tons of money. Concrete is simply the most weather resistant material you can find for your driveway, bar none.

Many people avoid getting a concrete driveway due to finding the plain grey coloring to be boring and ugly. However, there are plenty of ways to make your driveway look better. You can always get stained concrete, which makes your driveway much more colorful. There are also decorative stamps, and you can always get images hand-painted onto the concrete! As if all of that wasn’t enough, there’s always the multitudes of textures and patterns available. Decorative tiles, various stain colors, the list of different looks is practically endless. They really are the best possible driveway, not just in terms of durability and appearance but in terms of having a safe place to park the car.

Increasing property value is always a goal of a homeowner. Since raising the property value is a goal, installing a concrete driveway isn’t a purchase it’s an investment. If you’re worried about the cost, it can depend on a number of factors. Terrain and features are just a few of the examples. There are the length and width, and location can often factor in as well. All that said, you can expect to pay around 4 to 6 dollars for every square foot. And of course, don’t forget all the money you’ll save over time since you won’t have to worry about ongoing maintenance costs!

When you compare concrete driveways to the other styles of driveways available, such as dirt, gravel, or asphalt, it becomes clear which one is the superior choice. Depending on the home architecture and landscaping, you may decide to go with a different material. Still, there’s no better material out there than concrete.

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